Sunday, February 7, 2010

Unavoidably Old

I am going to mark this day, as today I gained significant input about my physical outlook.

All my life, I always think that the size of my body and the structure of my face will give me a privilege of time...that I won't get old that fast.

But today i was asked by a very lovely woman, "do you have young children?"

This was a shock.

Speechless ---i was wondering, "Do I look like someone who already have children? Or does she think that i look like someone that should already have older children, so she asked me whether if I have younger ones?”

Whatever this means...for me, this is a sign to prepare for a botox.


Robert Ravenheart said...

Seperti jargon sebuah produk rokok, "Menjadi tua itu pasti, menjadi dewasa itu pilihan."

Kadang-kadang aneh ya, hidup ini serasa sebuah paradoks. Saat kecil, kita berharap cepat menjadi dewasa. Beranjak remaja, kita bahkan tidak lagi sudi disebut masih kecil. Namun selepas memasuki usia kepala dua, kita pelan-pelan semakin takut menghadapi kenyataan bahwa kita semakin tua. Kita menjadi makin lihai berbohong mengenai usia dan melakukan apa saja supaya penampilan kita terlihat lebih muda dari usia kita sebenarnya.

Getting older is getting wiser. Btw, kemana nih cerita novel elo dan Mimah yg ketemu si pria misterius di sebuah restoran? Hahaha...

Petty Arniza said...

Actually, it's really oddly funny for me to find someone else to "even" consider yourself as someone that already have a children, 'cause to me your outlook more likely to be the child itself...hihi..

And Resti sayangku, please leave Botox out of this scene, you don't want to have a stiff smile, do you? wakakakakakakakak.... Like this lady,