Friday, September 25, 2009


U can more or less understand people character from their choice of music. I’ve found these typical…

This is the sound from those who never take things easy. They think, feel, and see everything with deeper, wider and further sense beyond ordinary. Every of their creation leaves us wondering wow. They are the people we might call genius, gifted, talented…

This is the sound from those who appreciate rules, who lives passionately, who are kind, snob in taste, respect discipline and totally embrace their melodious life.

This is the sound from those who live as lightly as they could…those who we should envy most, those happy-go-lucky people with their have-fun-go-mad spirit mode on. They don’t care if the world calls them common, average, shallow, and maybe…stupid…but hell, just hear their sound, this people know how to get fun.

This is the sound from those who realize they got HUGE talent in music, who think they have to stand out. These people will aggressively climb for popularity and yeah…don’t get on their cocky way, or their sharp words will kick your sorry little ass out of the way.

This is the sound from those who feel themselves unheard and misunderstood, those who have so many rage and disappointment inside. Once they let it out, they let it out loud for the world to hear, to see, that they are surviving.

This is the sound from those who take a really long time to understand and to accept people and circumstances around them. They don’t care if people understand them or not. These people have already fulfilled with themselves, occupied with their own amusing minds, character and personality.

And this is the sound from those who need more education…a lot more of education. Seriously…


fera said...

Hahahahah, jadi loe penggemar dangdut juga ya res?? XP huehuehue...

Ghonuk said...

mati deh gw kalo suka sama dangdut, hahahhaha!!!

Archie-The-RedCat said...

tega bener sama dangdut.. XD

cumi laut said...

kalo misal beberapa karya rhoma irama jaman jebot di bilang klasik.. yang suka sifatnya mirip musik klasik, ato mm misunderstood?

Ghonuk said...

Buat Archie: lebih tega dangdut nyakitin kuping gw :p hahahahha...

Buat Cumi Laut: yah tapi dari alat musiknya aja udah beda, piano vs gendang??? tingkat kesulitan/kompleksnya aransemennya beda??? it's not the same...comparing classical music to dangdut is like comparing Dom Perignon to bir pletok. Right?

Ghonuk said...
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