It has been two weeks and I'm still surviving. Amazingly, this second time around being a vegan feel much more easier than my first time. Last time I was a vegan, I could only hold the discipline for 2 months. :D Now I expect to do this longer and maybe hopefully for the rest of my life.
There's no significant reason why I choose this kind of discipline. I just feel like it. Although deep down, I really wish I could do more like stop smoking, but I guess at least I have to start a discipline from an easier step: don't eat meat. I hope someday, my mind will finally straighten enough and it will call the initiative to stop smoking. So when that time come, I can write this sentence: "I don't know why I choose to stop smoking. I just feel like it." :D
When I write this, I actually am thinking of my cavendish banana in the refrigerator downstairs. I really want to eat it but my stomach is full enough by tempe bacem, hahahhaa...Tantri and Lala hold the effort to make those for "Buka Puasa Bareng" this evening. They're so kind, and I guess they have ready enough to go to the next step becoming a wife and a mom. While I...well I still need to be taken care of somebody. :D
I have great happiness this evening. Maybe this is the reason why I could come up with normal diary-style-writing for this blog right now, not blue poetry like I used to make in my ordinary days. :D
A simple change leads to a significant one if you let yourself into it.
It's all about faith, a matter of mind-power, if you believe you could do it and give it the fullest, you'll reach your goal in no time.
It's no easy to do what you do, but I'm proud of you.
And you know how it would be even delightful to me if you really could stop smoking XD
It's for your own good!
You should really get to it when you're ready :P
Woow, sekarang berubah menjadi vegetarian, Res? Apa alasan yg mendasari perubahan Anda tersebut?
Kesadaran akan hal-hal spiritualisme? Pembelaan terhadap hak-hak binatang? Gaya hidup alternatif yang lebih sehat dan juga lebih hemat? Penyatuan intuisi kosmos dalam jagat raya? Penghormatan terhadap "Mother Earth?" Reaksi alergik tubuh tertentu dari kandungan protein hewani? Bisikan wahyu Malaikat Gabriel di suatu malam yang sepi? Aksi kecil dalam usaha mengurangi dampak global warming? Terpengaruh figur-figur tertentu seperti Lennon atau Gandhi? Idealisme baru dari sindrom maternity?
Kayaknya elu dulu yg mau berhenti ngerokok aja skrg masih ngerokok juga, Res...
Sebetulnya sih Bert, gw jadi vegetarian karena pengen latihan disiplin. Mulai dari hal paling kecil, makan makanan yang lebih sehat, bisa bangun pagi dan dateng ke kantor on time, punya kamar dan segala barang yang rapi tertata, kayak gitu sih Bert. When the time's come, I'll stop smoking. Dan waktu itu terjadi, hopefuly gw gak perlu motivasi yang berasal dari orang lain.
Yang kemaren gagal soalnya bukan motivasi gue...kayaknya.
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