Sometime I heard people ask, “is it mainstream?”, when they’ve told about new song coming up, a new book coming up or new film coming up, as if it is a sin to hear, read or watch one from such kind.
Sometime I see people brag about them being indies. Proudly acknowledge that they shown only their pieces just to some people who “understand” / “accept” it.
They seem to reject the effort to make their work known by mass audience.
How pity.
Have they given up, since they’ve already tried?
Or do they underestimate commoners, by thinking these people won’t understand their work?
I do believe, become a unique is good. But become uniquely-known is better. Don’t you think?
When we are confidence with our talent, why should we keep it to ourselves or to our group? While most of our works are excellent, why don’t we do something about it? Why should we reject popularity?
I don’t understand.
Me myself, I want to make a new mainstream.
And why not, when I think I have the talent and the gut. And I don’t think this dream as a form of my pride.
True pride I think, hides inside those who keeps their talent to themselves. How it would be such a waste while a lot of people might get inspired or have the chance to grow by knowing such talent is exist.
I pitty this people who despise mainstream, while they are having the chance to make a new mainstream.
Why don’t they?
And while they buried their talent to themselves, I’ll share mine to the world.
It's not an easy thing though, to make a new mainstream... :P
Ada sebuah eksperimen psikologis yang dilakukan oleh Solomon Asch yang membuahkan hipotesis bahwa 75% orang akan melawan persepsinya sendiri dan ikut arus ke dalam persepsi mayoritas yang populer.
Percobaannya simpel tapi butuh banyak volunteer. Kita diberikan gambar garis A dan dihadapkan pada garis B, C, D, yang masing2 punya panjang berbeda tp hampir sama. Kita ditanya manakah yg panjangnya sama dgn garis A? Logika kita mengatakan garis B (misalnya) tetapi mayoritas org yg merupakan para volunteer itu memilih garis C. Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, 75% org akan mengikuti suara mayoritas dgn memilih garis C, sekalipun sebenarnya garis B-lah jawaban yang tepat.
Demikianlah hipotesis ini juga bisa diterapkan dlm konteks "Mainstream". You assume that it's bad until everybody told you it's good. You won't wear anything until you saw everyone wear it.
Menurut statistik di atas, masih ada 25% org yang menentang arus, memilih menjadi "cutting-edge". Tp lambat-laun, "something different" ini hanya butuh waktu dan sedikit faktor X untuk kelak menjadi suatu "mainstream" baru. Berbahagialah, para trend-setter!
Example: BlackBerry, Facebook, Skinny jeans, Sneakers, Bob hair-cut, Eyeliner, Geek Glasses, Scarf, Trucker-Hat, you named it.
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