This is the punishment for being such an unprofessional cunt!
I can’t believe I’m the fool again, after all those nightmares happened 5 years ago. Sometimes I guess, I have to upgrade the level of my ignorance more. So I won’t have to deal with messed up emotion on tiny useless matter ANYMORE!
God! Perhaps I have never known love. But I can tell where’s the limit of somebody’s love/ care/ attention to me, from the reason they get angry at me. And now, because of too much involvement in other’s insignificant life, I always have to remind myself of where I stand in their life.
Trust me, from now on, I am going to be very professional, or let’s say, just decided to be an ignorant bloody bastard alive.
An easy going, funny, ignorant bloody bastard alive. There.
I can’t believe I’m the fool again, after all those nightmares happened 5 years ago. Sometimes I guess, I have to upgrade the level of my ignorance more. So I won’t have to deal with messed up emotion on tiny useless matter ANYMORE!
God! Perhaps I have never known love. But I can tell where’s the limit of somebody’s love/ care/ attention to me, from the reason they get angry at me. And now, because of too much involvement in other’s insignificant life, I always have to remind myself of where I stand in their life.
Trust me, from now on, I am going to be very professional, or let’s say, just decided to be an ignorant bloody bastard alive.
An easy going, funny, ignorant bloody bastard alive. There.
Res, I think you only late in realizing if someone really loves/cares about you. Just learn to realize things earlier before you get hurt dear. If there's something wrong, do something about it instead of leaving it grows bigger and bigger.
I always pray that you'll find the right one for you. That's Mr.Right for you, not Mr.Right Now.
Resti, sepertinya "Tukang Poles" adalah alter-ego dari kepribadian Anda di dunia blog. Saya menarik benang merah kontradiksi dari posting ini bila dibandingkan dgn posting blog di bawahnya.
Anda seperti kembali mengingatkan diri Anda bagaimana Anda seharusnya tetap berpijak di batas-batas tertentu dalam menyikapi para agresor lewat membiarkan "ignorance" (saya meminjam istilah Anda) tumbuh subur. It's about US OR THEM, Which side will you join to fight.
But in the other hand, Anda sebelumnya memposting Theory of Acceptance yang sepertinya ekuivalen dengan filosofi "Nrimo" yang dibudayakan sebagian di kultur Jawa. Apakah praktik "ignorance" ini juga termasuk a small part and an application of the big whole acceptance theory?
"Apakah praktik "ignorance" ini juga termasuk a small part and an application of the big whole acceptance theory?"
Tukang Poles:
"Yes Robert. Kalau gw terlibat dengan sesuatu dan ternyata keterlibatan gw cuma menghasilkan kekecewaan, gue bakal cukup tau diri untuk selanjutnya ngga usah terlibat lagi, sama sekali, dengan sesuatu itu.
Karena dengan begitu gw gak bakal jadi sumber kekecewaan lagi.
Sesuatu itu bakal nyaman tanpa gw, dan gw bakal nyaman tanpa dia.
Tapi yang paling penting, dengan being ignorance berarti gw menerapkan teori acceptance yang tujuannya menjauhkan gw dari perasaan membenci yang beracun banget.
Kalo gw ignorance, mungkin sesuatu itu ngga akan perlu benci gw lagi, karena gw udah bukan lagi sumber kekecewaan dia. Dan gw gak perlu benci dia karena ngerasa gw ngga ada gunanya buat dia.
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